general FAQs & Answers

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+ Where is the USG office and what are its office hours?

The Undergraduate Student Government office is in Suite 202 on the second floor of the SAC. We are open Mondays through Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

+ How do I get involved in USG?

There are many opportunities to get involved in USG. Executive Council and At-Large Senator seats are elected in the Spring Semester. Occasionally, assistant positions are available within different departments and can be located on Handshake.

+ What are the Executive Council positions?

The Executive Council of USG consists of President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer, VP of Communications & Public Relations, VP of Student Life, VP of Clubs & Organizations, and VP of Academic Affairs.

+ How do I run for the Executive Council?

Executive Council elections are held each Spring semester for the upcoming school year. Look out for announcements about campaigns during the Spring.

+ What does the Executive Council of USG do?

The primary responsibility of the Executive Council is to promote and sponsor a range of social, cultural, educational, and service programs, in the interest of the Undergraduate Student Body. In addition, the Executive Council will ensure that the Student Activity Fee is properly allocated to promote and sponsor said programs.

+ What happens at SAB meetings?

Student Activities Board meetings plan, implement, and coordinate the large scale events that USG puts on including the Back to the Brook Concert, Roth Regatta, and Brookfest. The SAB Meetings are also an opportunity for you, as a student, to voice your opinions and pitch ideas for new initiatives and events held through USG.

+ I have an idea to pitch or concern that needs to be addressed. Who can I speak to?

We strongly encourage students to reach out to their USG Senators. As the most direct representation of the student body in USG, your Senators are most capable of working and advocating on your behalf. Find your Senators and contact information on the Who We Are>Legislative Branch page.

+ Where does USG funding come from and what is it used for?

Each semester undergraduate students pay a $99.50 student activity fee, though due to COVID-19 the USG reduced its fee to $40. The student activity fee is voted on by students during spring elections every two years. Themaximum mandated by SUNY is $125 per semester. This is what funds all USG clubs, concerts and activities, it is a vital part of student life on campus.

Clubs And Fundings

+When looking to get a vendor approved you must submit to the treasurer of USG the following information

Vendor Name Address,city,state and zip code Telephone, fax (if available) Website

+ What is the difference between being recognized by the Department of Student Engagement & Activities and USG?

Being recognized by the Department of Student Engagement & Activities (SEA) means you are considered a credible club by the University. This allows you to schedule spacing for holding general body meetings and events on campus. It also allows you to participate in the involvement fair held every semester. Being “acknowledged” by USG is what allows you to receive a budgetfor your club/organization. They are two different things because the Undergraduate Student Government is who allocates the funds to clubs and organizations. See below for the process on how to receive USG acknowledgement and funding.

+ How do I receive USG funding?

Read this form here.


    +What are the different types of grants?

    Asset Grant

  • Used to purchase long-term items that fulfill the entity’s purpose (ex: Workout Machine, necessary equipment, etc.)

  • Can only be applied for every 4-6 Semesters, depending on cost of previous grant.

    Novel Event Grants:

  • Used for the purpose of improving student life on campus through the hosting of novel events on campus by clubs/organizations. The event must be novel for both the club and the University as a whole.

  • Up to $3000 per application.

  • Deadline: The start of the 10th week of the semester

    National/Regional Event Grant:

  • Used for the purpose of funding an off-campus trip taken by a club/organization such as a conference, convention, tournament, or similar event that is National or Regional in nature where other schools are invited to attend.

  • Important: Event must be sanctioned by an organization or governing body not affiliated with any particular university.

  • Up to $3000, up to $350 per person. Whichever is smallest.

    Sanitation Materials Grant:

  • Used for the purpose of provide for sanitation supplies to fulfill the club’s functioning in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic (ex. gloves, sanitizing spray and wipes, sports equipment disinfectant, etc.)

  • No more than $1000.

    Sustainable Event Grant:

  • A funded organization that hosts an event may apply for USG co-sponsorship through the Sustainable Event Grant, should the event reduce material and energy waste normally associated with running it (ex. eliminate plastic, reusable decoration, etc.)

  • Up to $3,000 per semester